Wells for Bir Anezarane Commune

The Tewirf Association, representing the nomadic community in Bir Anezarane commune, has proposed a project to restore and expand existing infrastructure on three critical wells.

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Located between Dakhla Oued Ed Dabah and Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, Tourife provides water for drinking and watering camels in both regions.


Located in Bir Anezarane commune, these two wells provide water for nomadic communities and their livestock.


Constructing reservoirs for water storage will expand the capacity of the Touirfe Well, the Win Ferkane Well, and the Ouhifert Well.


Two wells need new solar pumps installed, and one needs a nonfunctioning solar pump repaired.


In Bir Anezarane, 143 km from Dakhla, the nomadic community relies on water for drinking and to sustain their sheep and camel herds. The region's families are separated, but share a common need and way of life.

Three wells, essential for life in the region, have steadily worsened over the last five years. Recent wind damage revealed a strong need for repair. The Touirfe well, the Win Ferkane well, and the Ouhifert well need to be deepened and restored, and the community has designed solar-powered pumping systems and a reservoir for water storage. They hope to successfully restore the water infrastructure of Bir Anezarane to full functionality.

In the paper report submitted after the participatory planning session, the community wrote, “If we can find a way to fund this project and repair these wells, we are all committed to starting and protecting this project. We hope this project will be implemented by summer.”

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Project Milestones

The restoration and expansion of the wells will take place in parallel. Once the objectives are accomplished, the project will be successfully concluded.

Restore Tourife Well | $5,000

Located between Dakhla Oued Ed Dabah and Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, Tourife provides water for drinking and watering camels in both regions.

Restore Win Ferkane and Ouhifert Wells | $5,000

Located in Bir Anezarane commune, these two wells provide water for nomadic communities and their livestock.

Building Water Basins | $7,000

Constructing reservoirs for water storage will expand the capacity of the Touirfe Well, the Win Ferkane Well, and the Ouhifert Well.

Equip Wells With Solar Pumps | $2,000

Two wells need new solar pumps installed, and one needs a nonfunctioning solar pump repaired.

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