Psychosocial Empowerment

An adaptation of our IMAGINE workshop developed with psychologists after the September 8th earthquake, psychosocial workshops provide space for processing trauma and tools for mental, spiritual, and emotional recovery.

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This milestone allows our highly trained facilitators to travel to one location, arrange a community space, provide materials and food for the four-day workshop, and lead all sessions. 


This milestone allows our highly trained facilitators to travel to two locations, arrange community spaces, provide materials and food for the four-day workshops, and lead all sessions.


This milestone allows our highly trained facilitators to travel to four locations, arrange community spaces, provide materials and food for the four-day workshops, and lead all sessions.


Our psychosocial empowerment workshops foster resilience in individuals and communities by offering space and strategies for working through trauma and processing grief. A holistic approach that brings together psychology and social networks, this framework promotes the restoration of social infrastructure as a key support system.

In the weeks following the September 8, 2023 earthquake, we adapted our IMAGINE empowerment program to address the immense need for trauma support. Collaboration with licenced disaster psychologists allowed us to rapidly rework our curriculum and train our team to assist grieving communites as a facet of our earthquake response.

The 4-day workshop provides meals, supplies, and childcare for all women in a village. By providing space and guidance for individuals to share their experiences, express their emotions, and learn coping strategies, we have seen an incredibly positive response as a result of the program.

Whats App Image 2024 02 09 at 11 38 00 AM
Whats App Image 2024 02 09 at 11 38 00 AM 1

Funding Milestones


This milestone allows our highly trained facilitators to travel to one location, arrange a community space, provide materials and food for the four-day workshop, and lead all sessions. 


This milestone allows our highly trained facilitators to travel to two locations, arrange community spaces, provide materials and food for the four-day workshops, and lead all sessions.


This milestone allows our highly trained facilitators to travel to four locations, arrange community spaces, provide materials and food for the four-day workshops, and lead all sessions.


workshops hosted and facilitated as of February 2024



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Tassa Ouirgane nursery